We serve


We are very grateful for kids. It is our pleasure to teach them about God and God’s word. Our goal is to create an environment where kids will love to come and will have an opportunity to get to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Every Sunday after the introductory songs (worship) we gather in the classrooms of the Sunday school where kids are divided according to their age. Altogether we have 6 classes for kids at the age of 1 – 12 years. Besides the Sunday Service, we organize performances (theatre shows) for kids, a day camp in summer, various trips, sport and creative activities. For moms with kids below 3 years, “Mommy club” is held every Tuesday. Here mothers can share, advise and encourage each other. During the pandemics we started to make online devotions from God’s word, which can be found on:

Youtube channel


Young people are an indispensable part of our sessions. Our effort is to draw closer to them, because we noticed that in the last decades, they have been facing the immense pressure and therefore we consider it crucial to speak with them about the topics, which are important to them. We believe in the creativity of the young ones and we see huge potential in them.
vidíme v nich obrovský potenciál.

We are focused on 2 basic age categories:

  •  Youth (youngsters, mainly high school students at the age of 13 – 18). Teenagers called “Unstoppable” who meet on Friday evenings at 6 pm during the school year and have various activities, trips and special meetings during summer.

    Further information available on:

    FB link

    IG Unstoppable

  • Young Adults (Generation above 18)

    Young Adults meet on Tuesdays during the school year at 6:18 pm. Youth Ministry is called “Iny Rozmer” that means to encounter different level of life. Youth sessions comprise of modern Christian music played by bands, prayers and Bible teachings on topics which are actual for the young ones. After the end of the sessions, there is space for discussions.

    Rozmer. Na mládežníckych stretnutiach hrajú kapely modernú kresťanskú tvorbu, súčasťou

    večera sú modlitby, výklad Biblie na témy, ktoré sú aktuálne pre mladých. Po skončení

    stretnutia majú mladí ľudia priestor na rozhovory.

    Further information available on:


Part of the calling of our church fellowship is to dedicate time to each generation, not omitting people in their productive age or in so-called autumn of their lives. Among the options of how to join and be a part of the fellowship you may find the following:

  • Home groups (approximately 10 people in one)

  • Pre-marriage course

  • Support for married couples and families (course for spouses, family camps, seminars, counseling)


  • Spiritual counseling (pastoral leading on personal level)

  • Regional biblical school (4 grades)

  • Meetings of the elderly and Pre-Christmas events 

  • Prayer meetings and Bible studies

    Mommy clubs

    Upcoming events:

    • Course for parents of kids at the age of up to 10

    • Course for the parents of teenagers

    • Course for Men

    • Course for Women

    • Alfa Course


We understand mission as the spreading of the good news (gospel). In the context of Slovakia, our church participated in tent missions in the past, developed evangelical activities in the neighborhoods of Kosice and in other cities of the Eastern Slovakia (period of 1992 – 1996). In these cities, next churches of the Pentecostal church were founded.

Important milestones from the point of view of mission are:

  • founding most of the Eastern Slovakia churches and numerous Roma churches

  • mission among the Romany (since 1998 up to the present)

  • distribution of the Book of Hope on elementary and high schools

  • dubbing of the film Jesus to Roma language and its screening in the Roma settlements

  • participation in the translation of Bible to Romany language

  • prevention program ACET (for the pupils of the second grade of elementary schools and high school students)

  • ministry in detention facilities, children’s homes, hospitals and among disabled people

    zdravotne znevýhodnenými ľuďmi

  • distribution of clothes and groceries to people in need

  • humanitarian help to people in Ukraine, provision of accommodation, food and support for refugees

    podpora vojnových presídlencov

  • short-term mission trips in Slovakia, to the Roma settlements and abroad


We believe that God created a man in his image and put creativity in him. This creativity characterizes us in many aspects and connects us. Out of the creative activities, music presents a natural way of communication of a man with God. In our church, there are several bands, which perform at the services and at other events. In the dynamics of our service, music is an integral part. Bands of our church perform also out of our city, compose and release their own songs. Many of them can be listened to on Radio 7 and on other radio stations.

Where to find us

Christian centre AC Košice
Bratislavská 1
040 11, Košice, Slovakia


Every Sunday at 9:30 am

Every Tuesday at 6:18 pm (Young adults Ministry)

Every Thursday at 6 pm (Prayer Meeting)

Every Friday at 6 pm (Youth Ministry)

Sekretariát AC Košice kosice@ackosice.sk
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