
Prayer Support

We believe in the power and effectivity of a prayer as listed in James 5: 16: “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”  We will be happy if you can support us with your prayers in the following areas:

We thank you for each sincere prayer of faith and wish you and us a lot of encouragement out of answered prayers. God bless you!

Slovenská sporiteľňa
SK03 0900 0000 0000 8213 6154

SK12 1100 0000 0026 2675 2916

SK76 7500 0000 0002 8437 9883

Financial Support

We are very grateful for every financial support and gift since our church runs on voluntary contributions and our activity belongs to the non-profit sector. Finances are used for the maintenance and costs to run church building, covering a part of salary amounts, operation, support of ministries and mission.

If you would like to support the church financially in a specific way or to donate to a particular ministry, please state the aim in the note section of the transaction.

If you wish to support these areas specifically:
• Socially weaker and missionary activities of the Pentecostal church Kosice, state the variable symbol: 99999
• Purchase of the technical equipment and online streaming, state the variable symbol: 77777,
• Family of Majka Kralovska, a widow with 4 children, please state the variable symbol: Majka Kralovska,please use the variable symbol: 1
• Humanitarian activity which is related to people in Ukraine and to Ukrainian emigrants, please state: Ukraine or UA

Where to find us

Kresťanské centrum, Bratislavská 2a
040 11, Košice, Slovakia


Every Sunday at 9:30 am

Every Tuesday at 6:18 pm (Young adults Ministry)

Every Thursday at 6 pm (Prayer Meeting)

Every Friday at 6 pm (Youth Ministry)

Sekretariát AC Košice
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